For my final project I created a Laser security sensor

I use a laser emit and a photoresistor for this project

The basic of this project is that the laser will emit laser shot ar the photoresistor which get sent a signal to the photoresistor that there is light.

If anythings is in the way of the laser, the signal would be lost. Then photoresistor will sent a signal that there is no light and the led will light up and the piezo will make a sound.

This is a simple security system to build, however i couldn't get my code to work. And i'm still troubleshoot the errors

And there is mone more problem, the laser should be far away from the photoresistor to be a efficient security system. But I didn't have longer wires or a way so soilder the wires together so i use another board to connect the laser.

This create a difficult to line up the laser with the photoresistor.

So far, i have create the base of the projects and still need more to works on.

And here is when the 3d print comes in, which i didn't have enought time to prints and create a more pretier version.

The 3D prints will provide a housing for all the components, the samller one is for the laser emit and it's own batteries.

The larger one will house the arduino and the photoresistor. both of the part will have to line up facing together to be able to work.

The opening at both pieces is where the laser emit and the photoresistor expose.

For my project, i think that i would fit with VA.1 Creating Visual Art, and my level is 4.

I create this project wwith an intrest that i could create a laser security system. I create a process for my project how ever there isn't enought time to finish it. I knew exactly what it need for this project and which softwear to use.

Using the laser emit and a photoresistor with the Arduino kit, my plan is to create a simple laser secutiry system where there light shine into the photoresistor on and when there isn't; The photoresistor will sent a signal to ring the arlarm.